Monday, January 7, 2013

My Accident

Hello - I 've been away for a while with nothing much to report until Saturday.I was in a car accident - I thought I broke my ribs. I was almost at work - maybe 2 blocks away - on a one way street with 4 lanes. There was an elderly man on my right. Suddenly he was trying to go directly in front of me but he hit me and ran me right off the road. I remember hearing glass breaking and flying everywhere. And I could hear myself saying, "No no no. Noooo." He finally pulled off of e and parked his car by a building just several feet up the road. He shoved me up onto the sidewalk and I was not going to move an inch until I was told.

Thankfully, there was an ambulance almost right behind me and they saw the whole thing. Although they were off duty and could not take me as a client - they did call another ambulance. Good thing, too, because when I tried to move around I could feel a sharp pain just at the bottom of my rib cage - I had my seat belt on and the force may have crack my ribs. The pain was slowly getting worse and I realized my rear view mirror was cracked. I checked my face and could see a large knot on my forehead. I still don't remember hitting my head - it just happened so fast - and it was my ribs that had me worried.

The other thing was - this happened a block and a half from my work and I was thinking about walking to work but my ribs needed looked at. I knew there isn't a thing you can do for broken ribs except maybe wrap them - but I wanted to know the extent of the injury.

At the hospital, I didn't have any broken ribs, just bruised. (Sure felt like they were broken. Oh well.) And they were much more worried about my head. Once I was home I could see why. It looked terrible. The knot had turned into a monster egg. And to top it off - the accident kicked off a  vicious bout of symptoms of my fibromyalgia. It gave me trouble for weeks. Damn accident.

That was December 3rd, 2012.