Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Bit About Me

I have Fibromyalgia. I've had it quite a long time. In fact, I know I had it before anyone knew what it was. I also have rheumatoid arthritis. Oh, and of course, osteo-arthritis. 


There are days I hate the thought of getting dressed and going to work. Right now I work as an internet tech and agent. It can be a real challenge dealing with some people when you just don't feel good. But it isn't their fault.

I do not follow a doctor's care right now. Simply, I cannot afford it. For a while there I began taking opiates and they do help - but I do not have a doctor. I have thought about pain management and I believe that would be good for me. But I need to see a doctor for a while to be referred. Hmmm.

I have to do something.

As I said, I do work. Full time. Thank the gods it isn't a factory. I did factory work for years.  Finally found a job at an answering service and after that I went into trouble shooting the internet.

I'm sorry. I feel a little disconnected today. I do have a lot on my mind. I set this blog up but had not posted anything and I really wanted to at least get it started. I will be back to write more and will probably (I hope) be in a different mood. One thing about the fibromyalgia is that it is ever changing. Thanks so much for now.                          

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